Here are this week's questions!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Hoo Are you #40
Here are this week's questions!
Monday, April 25, 2011
The freedom of the open road!
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of NMEDA for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
I would like to talk with you about a program that does hit a little close to home and something that would have been very helpful to a close family member of mine had they been established just a few years earlier than they were.
NMEDA is an Association of Mobility Dealers, Manufacturers and Rehabilitation Professionals that advocates providing safe, reliable vehicles and modifications to enhance accessibility for all people.
NMEDA doesn't sell anything!! NMEDA has independent dealers that sell handicap vans and vehicle modifications for disabled people.
NMEDA has Dealers AND Quality Assurance Program (QAP) dealers.
*The Quality Assurance Program (QAP) is the only nationally recognized accreditation program for the Adaptive Mobility Equipment Industry.*
Because we all know that no two people with a disability are exactly the same, companies must have a systematic and documented approach to quality in order to satisfy customers consistently. Each person has different needs and struggles.
Being a caregiver for an elderly or handicapped person can be extremely tough, NMEDA can help to alleviate some of the pressures of being a caregiver by allowing the elderly or disabled to get back on the road to independence. Through your NMEDA dealer, you will get a personalized “in-person” evaluation in which you can be sure you are getting the right driving solution customized to your specific lifestyle and needs.
I've checked out the NMEDA website and found that I have 2 authorized dealers within 50 miles of me! I would encourage everyone to do the same. Simply go to the NMEDA homepage and enter your zipcode then let me know in a comment if you have a dealer close to you. You never know when you might be in need of these invaluable services.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Highs and Lows this week.
- I got a new job!!! And so far it seems pretty cool.
- I also found out I will have Tuesday off, which means I will be able to go on my son's field trip with him. But stay tuned to next week, as that will be my first day off after 7 days working and it will be spent at the zoo with a bunch of 1st graders, this may be on the low list next week.. ;)
- Mr. K's 9 month check up went great!
- I finished up the giftset I made for a donation in the Project Kids Raffle
- Because of above mentioned new job, I've had/have to wake up at 4:30 am... WTF?? I'm barely able get up at 6:30 to get the kids off to school as it is. Then next week my schedule changes and I will be working the 3rd shift. 10 pm to 6:30 am.
- I started orientation on Monday and I don't have a day off til Tuesday.
- Also because of new job, I've gotten in no crafting time and my planned re-do of my utility/laundry/storage/catch-all room into my crafting/sewing area has been put on hold.
I hope to have something a little more interesting next week.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Project Kids: RAFFLE UNDERWAY! Complete prize list and details!...

This is the set I donated, you may remember my post about it here
The three winners of this raffle will each receive a bottle of Five Star All Natural Meat Marinade! This marinade has no sugar, no fat, no oils, no carbs, and is great on any meat, poultry, wild game, etc. You will love it!
DRAWING WILL BE HELD SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 2011 after noon. Winners will be notified within 24 hours. After you purchase your raffle tickets, you will receive an email from us confirming your donation and explaining how to "drop" your tickets into the prizes you want to win. Each ticket can be put towards a different prize or you can dump them all towards one prize. Thank you in advance for helping Project Kids!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Babies gotta eat too!
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of PBM Products for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
As a mother of an infant I know all too well about the need to make sure my little one is getting all he needs from his formula. Don't get me wrong I am a huge advocate of breastfeeding, but I know that isn't always an option for everyone. In my case I was only successful at breastfeeding with 1 of my 3 babies.
For those of us who have to rely on formula to provide the nutrition their baby needs, we want to make sure our baby is getting the same nutrients and vitamins as they would with breastmilk.
If you are a busy mom like myself, you don't always have the time to go to the grocery store, so I think it is awesome that carries formula. They carry Bright Beginnings brand formula which is a great alternative to some of the highly priced national brands. If you love saving money and don't like having to get out to the store just for a can of formula, you can now just buy on
Bright Beginnings brand is comparable to the major brand name formulas in everything except the price. Bright Beginnings also have Organic formula! I know how important having organic is to some.
Premium nutrition, without the premium price! With a new baby at home, we all know how expensive it can be.
Trust me, I just spent $21 on a 23 oz. can today, and while browsing around I notice the equivalent of the brand I bought in the Bright Beginnings brand is only $14.39!! Wow! Add that up over the course of a month or two and that would be some major savings!
There are also few other offers I've seen that I'd like to point out. They have free shipping on formula on orders over $49 and free returns. For first time customers there are 2 great coupon codes; 1 is 20% off diapers for 3 months, the other is for 10% off everything else!
For those who like to stay connected, you can "like" Bright Beginnings on Facebook! If you want to know more about the brand, just ask away!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Project Kids
Project Kids was founded in 2011 by three women in Northwest Arkansas who wanted to make a difference. The goal of Project Kids is to raise money for specific causes, one project at a time. All projects directly involve children. We first saw a strong need in a small group of local middle school students who were facing hurdles due to language and financial barriers.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Target coupon book winners!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Bad for me, good for you.. A giveaway of sorts..
*UPDATE* There will now be 3 winners!! A lovely friend of mine, Starr, just donated 2 more coupon books, how awesome is she??