Sunday, November 14, 2010

A little bit of repurposing..

Okay so here goes with my first post that actually has some meat to it..

So my neighbor Jenny, awesome lady, I'm glad to finally have a cool neighbor, brought over a scrub top she had in a breast cancer awareness print and asked me if I could use it to make a bandana for her to hang on her rearview mirror.
Of course I said! I've made a few of those before since me and Big B like to ride motorcycles. Those are easy. Since she just wanted it to hang and didn't need a full size bandana, I said I could actually use the top to make a few things if she wanted me to.. So she brought over a pair of jeans and a couple tops of her daughters.
Mind you, I forgot to take pics during the process and of the beginning, sorry I will try to remember next time to take pics..

The top I started out with was similar to this one...

Here is what all I came up with...

The bandana-ish thing to hang on her rearview mirror.

A cute little headband..

An 2 pocket apron...

A little bit of jean embellishment...
Ruffles and a patch on the front.

A patch on the back.

Ruffles and a pocket on a black shirt...

A vest-type addition to a pink shirt..

And I have a few teeny tiny scraps left that I'm sure I will think of something to make with.. Maybe a cute little rosette pin like a few I've seen online..

Found a great tuorial from Sew Cute Shop here..